Thank you for checking out the collection of handmade art shaders for Cinema 4D. These shaders are made by hand by real starving artists. We took real world art materials and brought them into Cinema 4D to allow you to stylize your creations to look like real art materials.
These shaders require the Sketch and Toon module!
This is the ultimate art shader pack! You get a 68 unique handmade art shaders with 18 variations on each one for a total of over 1200 shaders! In the Art Shader Master Collection you get:
- 10 unique charcoal shaders
- 16 unique marker shaders
- 13 unique pencil shaders
- 15 unique pastel shaders
- 6 unique acrylic paint shaders
- 8 unique oil paint shaders
NOTE: Due to software updates and changing life... stuff, I can no longer provide support for this product. As such, I have made it free for download for now until the heat death of the universe. You are free to use it for any project, personal or professional. Share it wherever you want but do not charge anyone for it or lest a pack of angry rabid badgers will hound you until you give a hassle free refund to the person or people you ripped off.
Thank you to everyone for their support over the years and be excellent to each other.
You can download it from:
and the password for the zip file is:
If you are on a Mac, you will need The Unarchiver or Stuffit to expand the zip file.